Sweden: partner meeting

The Swedish team was happy to host the partner meeting December 13‐14 in the end of 2017. A fruitful workshop with the partners included informative presentations about the work packages and dialogues about continued work schedule and collaboration.

In addition, an open forum was held where representatives from CAP, primary health care and school health care staff in Norrbotten were invited. Each partner presented their project and presentations of good examples from the northern region of Sweden was held. We ended with a discussion about mental health needs and possibilities for young people in Norrbotten where aside from the invited professionals young people participated. Interesting discussions took place and hopefully will be a contribution to continued collaboration in the area.

December 13th is Lucia celebration in Sweden so the visitors had a chance to experience this celebration including fika and traditional singing. In addition, a possibility to join a guided lantern tour of Gammelstad Church Town, is an outstanding example of a traditional church town of northern Scandinavia which became a World Heritage sites in 1996.

For further information, please contact: Eva Lindgren, Project manager, eva.lindgren{at}ltu.se