Finland: special needs teacher from the hospital school available for video consultations

In the spring of 2018, video consultations in special needs education will be piloted. The consulting special needs teacher Riitta Hiltunen (in the picture) will offer support and counseling to primary school teachers and other adults working in classes primarily in certain parts of the region (Upper Savo, Siilinjärvi and Varkaus), but later the service can be expanded to other parts as well.

Special needs teacher Riitta Hiltunen from the Alava Hospital School presented video consultations to teachers in Vieremä municipality. Photo: Kirsi Bykachev.

The aim is to provide counseling discussions and peer support in a solution‐oriented manner, present existing methods, work models and good practices for different challenges faced in schools, and bring an objective perspective to issues.

The appointments for these meetings can be made online in Vello system linked to the Alava School's website, and the meetings will be carried out with Skype for Business.

Further information: Kirsi Bykachev, Project manager, kirsi.bykachev{at}