Scotland: referrals from teachers gives better recruitement

The e‐CAP Scottish randomised controlled trial of the DAWBA online diagnostic assessment was launched at the successful partner meeting in Inverness in March 2017 with a lot of media and public interest.

Initial recruitment was slower than the project group had hoped, which was reported at a snowy partner meeting in Lulea, Sweden in December. An amendment to the study protocol allowed the team to take referrals from teachers, specifically guidance teachers and primary head teachers to refer children and young people in to the study in collaboration with Primary Mental Health Workers.

The project group can now report that the awareness‐raising activities in some Highland secondary schools has resulted in good numbers of referrals from guidance teachers, thus making recruitment into the trial easier for children and young people. It is anticipated that this number will increase as the school year progresses.

For further information, please contact: Professor Philip Wilson, p.wilson{at}